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Review of PUMAS February 4, 2012

Filed under: PUMAS Review — kmarsey @ 6:47 pm
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Wow! This sie is full of real life activities showing the relationship between science and math into our world today in a fun and helpful way. Each activity also provides the teacher with the benchmark and objective so it can be linked to state standard. Key words are provided at the beginning so the teacher can do a clarifying of vocabulary before beginning the activity. They can be used as introductions to a unit, practice with the unit, homework or enrichment. The activities offer a large range of topic and They could be used with the class as a cooperative group activity for summary and evaluation purposes. ( my district is big on group work, all classrooms have to be arranged in 3-5 groups setting.

I liked the Algebra Magic Games the best. I would use these as an introduction to the Algebra Unit as an “ice breaker”. Many students are apprehensive in their ability to do math, imagine what turmoil  using letters will cause. These activities ask students background knowledge that should be easily  recalled, lowering the anxiety. It shows them how the number’s can represent a letter  in an algebraic expression and has them solve the equation. This also relates real life to algebra. I especially liked game #2 when the answer provides you with your age (15) and the number of sibling you have (3) in one number 153.