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Factoring Quadratics in My Own Words March 8, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — kmarsey @ 7:44 pm

Factoring Quadratics in Your  Own Words


The factoring of quadratics is done to simplify the equation. You are taking a trinomial and changing it to a binomial.  The formula for a Quadratic is ax2 +bx +c.

1st look at c and determine its’ factors. Choose the two factors whose sum equals b (7).

Example: x2 + 7x+ 12       factors of 12 (1*12) (2*6) (3*4). 3+4 =7 so this is the one.)

2nd Look at the first term in the equation, (ax2)and divide by 2.

Example x2 = x * x

Now put the parts together in a binomial (x+3) (x+4).

It did make me internalize the concept because I had to explain it. It is like teaching to one’s self. This activity could be incorporated in the journal, having them paraphrase a definition, a process or simply what they learn that day will help them learn and remember the concept because it is a form of teaching only to oneself.


3 Responses to “Factoring Quadratics in My Own Words”

  1. I had never thought of telling students they were changing a trinomial to a binomial. To me it was obvious but maybe some of my students would understand better if I told them this. I just didn’t think of it. Thanks!

  2. Pat Says:


    using a journal and having kids describe a process would be a great ticket out the door activity. There is so much useful information I could get from a simple quick activity that would help me gauge student understanding.

    Great idea!


  3. We have been factoring trinomials in my 8th grade math classes for the past two weeks. It certainly seems easier to verbally explain (while showing examples) the process involved in factoring, than writing it out. I think the questions students pose and the discussions that follow, help to clarify the concept.

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